UVA Professor Calls for Cabinet-Level ‘Secretary of Equity’ in Biden Administration

by McKenna Dallmeyer


University of Virginia associate professor Ebony Hilton is calling on Joe Biden to create a secretary of equity.

Hilton is an associate professor anesthesiology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. She was featured in one of Joe Biden’s campaign ads discussing COVID-19’s “impact on communities of color” and the “social determinants of health.”

Hilton is also the medical director of Goodstock Consulting, which is a medical consulting firm “committed to implementing policies that result in #HealthEquity.”  In a tweet, Hilton states that this means “challenging all negative influencers of the social determinants of health.”

On the 160th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s presidential election, Hilton tweeted that it is “high pass due for us to have a #SecretaryOfEquity because the disparities that existed 160 years ago are the same exact ones that exist today.”

“[Joe Biden] create this department as part of your #PresidentialCabinet to be repeated on #State and #Local levels,” Hilton continued.

The overwhelming majority of commenters were not in favor of Hilton’s proposal.

Commenters characterized the demand as “totalitarian,” “stupid,” and “factually inaccurate.”

“How can a person-of-color with a Medical Degree say this with a straight face?” one commenter tweeted.


One commenter took issue with Hilton’s claim that issues that affect the minority community are the same now as they were in the 19th century.

“It’s hard to comment on the merits of your proposal bc the only justification you offer is simply not true. By any measure. This country is still working towards its aspirational values BUT the disparities that existed 160 years ago are NOT the SAME EXACT ones that exist today,” a tweet stated.

One of Hilton’s Democrat followers was not in favor of the idea either.

“In other words, you want to hand the midterms—and possibly the next presidential election—to the Republicans. If the woke crowd takes things any further, count on the Republicans coming back stronger than ever, with a slew of ex-Democrats on their side,” the tweet said.

Hilton declined Campus Reform’s request for comment, however, she posted a screenshot of the request for comment on Twitter.

“Can someone let @campusreform know I’m not the one if you are trying to target a #LiberalBias angle,” Hilton tweeted. “But I’m glad #SecretaryOfEquity caught your eye…as it should. When we address disparities our entire nation will benefit.”

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McKenna Dallmeyer is a Texas Senior Campus Correspondent, reporting on liberal bias and abuse for Campus Reform. She is a Junior studying Cybersecurity at Liberty University. McKenna is the Deputy Communications Director for a congressional campaign in Iowa. She previously attended Texas A&M where she was the Founder and President of Young Women for America and Events Coordinator for TPUSA.
Photo “Dr. Ebony Hilton” by UVA School of Medicine.

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2 Thoughts to “UVA Professor Calls for Cabinet-Level ‘Secretary of Equity’ in Biden Administration”

  1. Jimmy

    Sad to say Tennessee is ahead of the game. Department of Human Resources rolled out it’s “Diversity and Equity” framework over a month ago. Gotta wonder who’s minding the store with this administration?

  2. Ron Welch

    Would this mean that all the laws that they pass against us, will now apply to our elected officials and government agents? You know, according to “the equal protection if the laws” in the 14th Amendment.
    “Congress can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their
    friends, as well as on the great mass of the society.”
    — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 57.

    Yes, that “equity” is what should be! It’s called “the rule of law” and “no one is above the law”! I’ve heard the Democratic leadership repeat that mantra and I agree.
